Journal Topics

Period 2:


Which is more important: The individual or society? Why?

Who has influenced you the most and why? 


What will be your biggest obstacle to you achieving your goals in life? Why?

Which is more important: the love of family or the love of a significant other? Why?

What is your biggest pet peeve and why?


What are the positives and negatives of being a teenager? 

If you could attend any sporting event, which would you choose and why?


What is a hero? Why? Explain.


Period 3:


What high school subject will benefit you that most in the future and why?

Who do you admire the most and why?


What's the best way to relieve stress and why?

Which is more important: the love of family or the love of a significant other? Why?

What will be the best thing about leaving home and why?


What are the positives and negatives of being a teenager?

If you could attend any sporting event, which would you choose and why?


What is a hero? Why? Explain.